1. Which of the following is/are correct about “Project Pyrasol”?

1. Its aim is to transform urban organic waste into biochar and energy in smart cities of India.

2. It is a joint partnership between India and Israel.

(a) 1 Only           (b) 2 Only      (c) Both        (d) None


2. Which of the following is/are correct about Relay Planting?

1. Relay Planting means the planting of different crops in the same plot, one right after another, in the same season.

2. Second crop develops fully after the main crop is harvested.

(a) 1 Only     (b) 2 Only        (c) Both         (d) None


3. Which of the following is/are correct about Strip Cropping?

1. It is a practice of growing field crops in narrow strip .

2. It involves planting crops in strip across the slop, with alternate strips of grain and/or forage crop.

3. It is used when a slop is too steep or too long, or otherwise, when one does not have an alternative method of preventing soil erosion.

4. It requires large lands.

(a) 1 and 2                                       (b) 1, 2 and 3   

(c) 1 and 3                                        (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4



1. ANS A

India and Germany

2. ANS C

3. ANS D

strip cropping has been used in the USA (where  the fields are larger than those in India), where they grow wheat, along with corn and soybean, in the same farm in an alternative manner. However, this needs larger lands.

In India, it is used in the larger fields such as the ones owned by cities and state Governments.

It is more effective in reducing soil losses, as it combines, soil and moisture conserving properties of cross-slope farming with soil building advantages of crop rotation.