1. NMEO-Op is a new centrally sponsored scheme that will help in:-

(a) Reducing the debt on sugar cane  farmers.

(b) Increase access to credit for small and marginal farmers.

(c) Reducing India’s dependence on Imported edible oil.

(d) None


2. Which of the following statement with respect to Water Hyacinth is/are correct?

1. It is native to the south Asia.

2. It is a free –floating and flowering invasive aquatic plant.

3. It is also referred to as the Bengal terror.

(a) 1 and 2      (b) 2 and 3      (c) 3 Only        (d) 1, 2, and 3


3. Which of the following is/are not correctly matched?

1. Corruption perception index – IBRD

2. Global happiness index – world social forum

3. Global gender gap index – WEF

(a) 1 and 2        (b) 2 and 3      (c) 1 Only       (d) 1, 2, and 3



1. ANS C

It will reduce the heavy dependence on imports for edible oils.

  • Increasing the domestic production of edible oils to 3 times (11 Lakh Metric tons by 2025-26 and productivity of oil palm.
  • Increasing an additional area of 6.5 lakh hectare for oil palm till 2025-26 and thus reaching the target of 10 lakh hectare ultimately.

NMEO-OP has a special focus on the north east region and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 

2. ANS B

water hyacinth is a free-floating and flowering invasive aquatic plant that originated form Amazon basin, South America.

It grows rapidly and can form thick layers over the water. So it is considered invasive throughout the world.

These mats shade out the other aquatic plants. Eventually, these shaded plants die and decay. The decaying process depletes the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. As oxygen levels decline, many fish are unable to survive. Hence, often the waters below water hyacinth masses witness the absence of life.

3. ANS A

CPI – Transparency international

GHI – UN sustainable development solution network.