Prepare for CSE Prelims 2021 with these practice questions.

1. Which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect about Kigali Amendment?

1. It is a legally binding agreement.

2. It is related to Montreal Protocol.

3. Its aim to phase out of Chlorofluorocarbons.

(a) 1 only      (b) 3 only       (c) 1 and 3       (d) None


2. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about Montreal Protocol?

1. It is an agreement related to climate change.

2. It led to the replacement of CFCs with HFCs.

3. Only UN treaty ever that has been ratified by all UN Member States.

(a) 1 only      (b) 2 only      (c) 2 and 3      (d) All


3. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

1.CFCs have chlorine content which presents a high risk to the ozone layer.

2. HCFCs have a low chlorine content and present a low risk to the ozone layer.

3. HFCs are chlorine free and ozone safe.

(a) 1only     (b) 2 only     (c) 3 only     (d) All


4. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about Crop Diversification Programme (CDP)?

1. It’s a sub scheme of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana.

2. Aims to divert the area of paddy crop to alternate crops and in tobacco growing states to encourage tobacco farmers to shift to alternate crops/cropping system.

(a) 1 only    (b) 2 only      (c) Both     (d) None


5. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about The Equator Principles?

1. It is a risk management framework, adopted by financial institutions, for determining, assessing and managing environmental and social risk in project finance.

2. It covers the majority of international Project Finance debt in emerging and developed markets.

3. They are based on existing environmental and social policy frameworks established by UNEP.

(a) 1 only      (b) 1 and 2    (c) 2 and 3    (d) All 


Answers to above questions:

Q1. Answer: (b)

It is aims for the phase down of Hydrofluorocarbons.


Q2. Answer: (c)

The 1989 Montreal Protocol is not a climate agreement. It is instead aimed at protecting the earth from ozone-destroying chemicals like the chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, that were earlier used in the air-conditioning and refrigerant industry.


Q3. Answer: (d)

CFCs: Chlorofluorocarbons, commonly called R-11, R-12, R-502, R-500, have chlorine content which presents a high risk to the ozone layer. CFCs are being phased out completely.

HCFCs: Hydrochlorofluorocarbons R-22, R-401A, R-402A, have a low chlorine content and present a low risk to the ozone layer. These are service refrigerants used in existing equipment.

HFCs: Hydrofluorocarbons, such as HFC-134a, HFC-143a, HFC-125, R-404A, R-407C, R-410A are chlorine free and ozone safe.


Q4. Answer: (b)

Crop Diversification Programme (CDP), a sub scheme of Rashtriya KrishiVikasYojana (RKVY) is being implemented in Original Green Revolution States to divert the area of paddy crop to alternate crops and in tobacco growing states to encourage tobacco farmers to shift to alternate crops/cropping system.

Under CDP for replacing paddy crop, assistance is provided for four major interventions viz., alternate crop demonstrations, farm mechanization & value addition, site-specific activities &contingency for awareness, training, monitoring, etc.

However, for replacing tobacco crop, tobacco growing states have been given flexibility to take suitable activities/interventions for growing alternative agricultural/horticultural crops.


Q5. Answer (b)

Established by International Finance Corporation. (IFC—a sister organization of the World Bank and member of the World Bank Group—is the largest global development institution focused exclusively on the private sector in developing countries.)