Passage: “Economic Growth may be defined as a sustained increase in its population and product per capita”. But economic development is not the same thing as economic growth. Economic development implies progressive changes in the socio-economic structure of a country. Economic growth implies not only more outputs, but also more inputs and more efficiency, i.e. an increase in output per unit of input, or in other words, an increasing productive capacity of the economy. Development, however, is something more than that. It is ‘growth plus change’. Development implies changes in the structure of output and in the allocation of inputs by sectors.

1. The author’s viewpoint can be best summed up in which of the following statements?

(a) Economic growth and economic development are interrelated but is not the same thing.

(b) Economic development is directly proportional to economic growth. Increase in a country’s economy generally improves the life of that country’s people.

(c) Economic growth is sustained increase in the amount of goods and services produced, keeping in mind the inflation at a particular time, but economic development is usually indicated by an increase in quality of life.

(d) Economic growth and economic development are the same thing. Growth in economy leads to the betterment of people’s life.

2. Find the missing number in the place of question mark?

105, 104, 101, 96, ?, 80

(a) 90   

(b) 91   

(c) 89   

(d) 88

3. Four metal rods of lengths 78cm, 104cm, 117cm and 169 cm are to be cut into parts of equal length. Each part must be as long as possible. What is the maximum number of pieces that can be cut?


(b) 36        

(c) 43       


Passage: Modern climate change is dominated by human influences, which are now large enough to exceed the bounds of natural variability. The main source of global climate change is human-induced changes in atmospheric composition. These perturbations primarily result from emissions associated with energy use, but on local and regional scales, urbanization and land use changes are also important. Although, there has been progress in monitoring and understanding climate change, there remain many scientific, technical and institutional impediments to precisely planning for, adapting to, and mitigating the effects of climate change. There is still considerable uncertainty about the rates of change that can be expected, but it is clear that these changes will be increasingly manifested in important and tangible ways, such as changes in extremes of temperature and precipitation, decreases in seasonal and perennial snow, ice extent and sea level rise.

4. With reference to the above passage, the following assumptions have been made

1. Many scientific and institutional impediments are still prevalent to plan, to adapt, or to mitigate the effects of climate change.

2. Climate change is not the result of human activities alone.

Which of the above is/are valid assumptions(s)?

(a) 1 only 

(b) Both 

(c) 2 only  

(d) None

Passage: The possible effects of Chinese slowdown on the Indian economy seems less alarming, mainly because of India’s relatively lower export dependence on China. On the other hand, China’s slowdown has aided and partially driven the global fall in commodity prices, since mid-2014 which has helped India, since it is a large commodity importer. In fact, India’s economic fundamentals as of now appear better poised for faster growth when compared with China.

5. What is the most logical, rational and crucial message that is implied from the above passage?

(a) Indian economy has suffered due to Chinese slowdown

(b) Indian economy is in much better fundamentals after Chinese slowdown

(c) The effect of Chinese slowdown on Indian economy has been of lesser consequence because of India’s lower export dependence on china and being a large commodity importer, whose prices have gone down globally

(d) India can expect a faster growth and better economic front after the Chinese economy slowdown.

Passage: Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) dominated the second set of differentiated and small finance banks announced by RBI on Wednesday 17th September, 2015. The entry of Micro Finance Institutions in the small finance banks segment is a revolutionary step, since these entities are well-familiar with the nuances of banking with the poor borrowers. MFIs were so far not allowed to accept deposits and engaged in extending credit after sourcing money from commercial banks. By tapping public deposits, these institutions can lower their cost of borrowing and bring don their rate of interest on loans. This is a golden opportunity to microlenders to reinvent themselves after facing major crisis in 2010.

6. Which of the following best sums up the above passage?

(a) The decision of RBI to give licenses to Micro Finance Institutions is a revolutionary step.

(b) RBI has understood these MFIs ability to provide banking facilities to the masses in Asia’s third largest economy, i.e. India

(c) This decision is a golden opportunity for MFIs to reinvent themselves after their almost collapse, just 5 years ago.

(d) RBI has revolutionized banking by granting license to the MFIs as it recognized their ability to offer banking services to the neediest and the neglected lot.

Passage: Right to privacy has come to its existence after widening up the dimension of Article 21 of Indian Constitution. This right includes the right to be let alone, to be free from any unwarranted publicity, the right to live without any unwarranted interference by the public in personal matter. Like everything mankind achieved, there has been a positive and a negative side to it. Technology has invaded every part of our lives whether it was desired or not. In today’s world, whatever you may do, the world will get to know before you realize it. Surveillance by any agency must be to stop crime not to invade in the totally personal matters of an individual.

7. Which one of the following statements is the most convincing explanations for the above passage?

(a) The Right to privacy is a natural right which is duly supported by Article 21 of the constitution.

(b) Under Indian Constitution, right to privacy negates the idea of living in a democratic set-up.

(c) The Right to Privacy allows a person the right to be let alone and safeguard the privacy of his own family, marriage, procreation, child bearing and education; and his right should not be encroached upon unless state’s security comes under threat or a crime is to be averted.

(d) An addition of Right to Privacy in Article 21 of the constitution as an advancement in technology has invaded, every part of our lives whether it was desired or not.

Passage: Although, an eco-friendly process is one of the main ways to save the environment, recycling is not gaining pace in the industry. The process of recycling undergoes many processes. First is collecting and sorting of garbage. This requires a lot of manpower and tools which are expensive. Another disadvantage of recycling which makes it unviable is that for the manufactures, economically, the recycled material is not highly demanded since its quality is not as good as the original material. So, if the marketing of recycled goods is not worthwhile, then the whole process of recycling cannot be economically efficient. Recycled products face other disadvantages as well, such as short shelf life, difficulty in de-inking the dyed products and less durability.

8. The author has listed the disadvantages of recycling to

(a) Give arguments to support the stopping of the process of recycling industry.

(b) Predicts the effect of stoppage on the environment

(c) Show that there are better options than recycle available for utilization

(d) None

9. Why is the marketing of recycled products not worthwhile, according to the author?

1. The original products are being sold at a much lower price as compared to the recycled products.

2. The overall effect of recycling on the environment is detrimental rather than beneficial.

3. It does not appropriate economic returns since recycled products lack demand in the market.

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3  

(c) 3 only 

(d) 1 and 2

10. What is the main idea of the passage?

(a) Ecofriendly process saves the environment.

(b) Why recycling is not gaining pace in the industry.

(c) The disadvantages of recycled products.

(d) Marketing of recycled goods is not worthwhile.

11. Aanchal left home for the bus stop 15 min earlier than the usual time. It takes 10 min to reach the stop. She reached the stop at 8:40am. What time does she usually leave home for the bus stop?

(a) 8:30am  

(b) 8:55am  



12. If all the numbers from 501 to 700 are written, then what is the total number of times does the digit 6 appear?

(a) 138 

(b) 139 

(c) 140 

(d) 141

13. How many numbers from 0 to 999 are not divisible by either 5 or 7?

(a) 313      

(b) 341     

(c) 686      

(d) 786

Directions: P, Q, R, S, T, V and Z work in three shifts in a call centre. Any shift comprises at least one but not more than three employees. Each gets one day holiday in a week from Monday to Sunday. Q works in II shift with T and gets weekly holiday immediate after P’s holiday. S avails holiday on Sunday. S avails holiday on Sunday but he is not engaged in his duty with R and Q’s shift. P along with R is in shift I. R’s holiday is immediate after Q’s holiday and immediate before T’s holiday. V’s holiday is immediate after T’s holiday but not on Saturday. The employee who works in shift III, gets holiday on Friday and the person who avails holiday on Saturday does not work with T. Z works neither in II nor in III shift.

14. On which day is the holiday of Q?

(a) Wednesday

(b) Thursaday

(c) Tuesday

(d) Saturday

15. Which of the following gets the holiday immediately after V’s holiday?

(a) P

(b) Z

(c) T

(d) Data inadequate

16. Which of the following combination of Employee-holiday-shift is not correct?

(a) T-Thursday-II

(b) V-Friday-III

(c) P-Wednesday-I

(d) T-Saturday-I

17. Four persons, Alok, Bhupesh, Chander and Dinesh have a total of Rs.100 among themselves. Alok and Bhupesh between them have as much money as Chander and Dinesh between them, but Alok has more money than Bhupesh and Chander has only half the money that Dinesh has. Alok has infact Rs.5 more than Dinesh has. Who has the maximum amount of money?

(a) Alok  




18. In a mixture of 45 L, the ratio of milk and water is 2:1. If this ratio is to be 3:2, then the quantity of water to be further added is

(a) 3L  



(d) Cannot be determined

19. 25 men can reap a field in 20 days. When should 15 men leave the work, if the whole field is to be reaped in 37 ½ days after, they leave the work?

(a) After 5 days       

(b) After 10 days

(c) After 9 days       

(d) After 7 days

20. If a piece of road is 3000m and we have to supply some lamp-posts. One lamp-post is at each end and distance between two consecutive lamp-posts is 75 m. Then, find the number of lamp-posts required.

(a) 41  

(b) 39 

(c) 40  


Passage: A very effective way of cutting down the mosquito population is by introducing genetically engineered sterile male mosquitoes which reduces the mosquito  population drastically. The UK based company Oxitec has developed this technology and tested it in Malaysia and Brazil. Unfortunately, India’s Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) has not given permission to this company to test this technology even after 2 years of waiting. It seems National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government is not acting fast at all because of the opposition from the anti-tech lobby. India can ill-afford not to utilize the best of science and technology for the nation’s progress. India’s public health is not at its best and is causing huge economic losses and retarding progress. India has excellent scientists who can deal with and manage any risk associated with these technologies. India cannot afford to waste any time to protect its public health and government should not be carried away by anti science and technology campaigners. This technology can go a long way in controlling  mosquito borne diseases such as dengue and chikungunya.

21. What is the most logical, rational and crucial message that is implied from the above passage?

(a) Indian Government should not allow any outside agency to carry on testing on genetically engineered sterile male mosquitoes.

(b) Due to please anti-technology campaigners, government should not hinder the public health programmes.

(c) If disease like dengue can be checked by using this technology, chance should be given for its testing in India.

(d) There is no cure of vector mosquitoes borne diseases, such as dengue and chikungunya.

Passage: Broadly speaking, an innovative ecosystem is a combination of two distinct, but largely separated economies – the knowledge economy and commercial economy. Due to limited employment opportunities offered by the various sectors of economy, there is a realization that to ‘sustain’ rapid growth and alleviate poverty, India needs to aggressively harness its innovative potential relying on innovation-led, rapid and inclusive growth to achieve economic and social transformation. The innovative potential of the young Indian population, if supported through an effective innovation ecosystem holds potential for developing entrepreneurship and providing the growth and job opportunities that India needs.

22. Which one of the following is the most valid conclusion?

(a) India has made much progress and is full of innovators and entrepreneurs to boost its economy.

(b) Indian government needs to take aggressive measures to harness its innovative potential to achieve economic and social transformation.

(c) In India, there is a great dearth of employment and job opportunities.

(d) Indian economy is mostly based on agriculture and no attention has been given to national innovation system which could provide growth and job opportunities that India needs.

Passage: Entrepreneurship is an innovative and dynamic process whereby a new enterprise is created. Entrepreneur is a catalytic agent of change which generates employment opportunities for others. Entrepreneurship among women is a recent phenomenon. When an enterprise is established and controlled by a woman, it not only boosts economic growth, but also has many desirable outcomes. It is estimated that presently, women entrepreneurs comprise about 10% of total entrepreneurs in India and this percentage is growing every year. Growth of women entrepreneurs can be a vehicle of their socio-economic empowerment. They can play a powerful role in confidence building and creating in other women a feeling of self-reliance.

23. With reference to the above passage, which of the following statements is/are correct?

1.Women entrepreneurs in India can be the best vehicle of socio-economic empowerment making women self-reliant.

2. A drastic change can be brought in the status of women by encouraging them to be an entrepreneur.

3. In India, nothing much has been done to provide opportunities to women entrepreneurs to showcase their talents.

(a)1 only  

(b) 2 and 3 

(c) 1 and 2  

(d) All

Passage: Social capital, a new concept, is gaining its importance in relation to a number of related fields of acquisition, people’s participation, community development and poverty alleviation. Social capital enrichment may have direct relationship with people, particularly those residing in the rural areas.

In short, social capital is the expected collective or economic benefit derived from the preferential treatment and cooperation between individuals and groups. Eg. consensus building is direct positive indicator of social capital. Consensus implies ‘shared interest’ of stakeholders to induce collective action.

24. What is the most logical and critical inference that can be derived from the above passage?

(a) Social Capital can play an important role in improving sustainability and enrichment of resources.

(b) Consensus to induce collective action may be more influential in rural areas.

(c) Social capital cannot be seen much in urban areas as people there are more self-centered.

(d) Man is a social animal, when individual and groups work together on the basis of shared interest, citizens are engrossed in collective activities aimed at socio-economic development, poverty alleviation and sustainable development. Social capital works more effectively in rural areas.

Passage: Corporate governance is based on principles such as conducting the business with all integrity and fairness, being transparent with regard to all transactions, making all the necessary disclosures and decisions, complying with all the laws of the land, accountability and responsibility towards the stakeholders and committed for conducting business in an ethical manner. Another point which is highlighted on corporate governance is the need for those in control to be able to distinguish between what are personal and corporate funds while managing a company.

Fundamentally, there is a level of confidence that is associated with a company that is known to have good corporate governance. The presence of an active group of independent directors on the board contributes a great deal towards ensuring confidence in the market. Corporate governance is known to be one of the criterias that foreign institutional investors are increasingly depending on when deciding on which companies to invest in. It is also known to have a positive influence on the share price of the company. Having a clean image on the corporate governance front could also make it easier for companies to source capital at more reasonable costs. Unfortunately, corporate governance often becomes the centre of discussion only after the exposure of a large scam.

25. According to the passage, which of the following should be the practice/ practices of good corporate governance?

1.Companies should always comply with labour and tax of the land.

2. Every company in the country should have a government representative as one of the independent directors on the board to ensure transparency.

3. The manager of a company should never invest his personal funds in the company.

(a) 1 only   

(b) 2 and 3  

(c) 1 and 3   

(d) All

26. According to the passage, which of the following is/are the major benefit/benefits of good corporate governance?

1. Good corporate governance leads to increase in share price of the company.

2. A company with good corporate governance always increases its business turnover rapidly.

3. Good corporate governance is the main criterion for foreign institutional investors when they decide to buy a company.

(a) 1 only        

(b) 2 and 3       

(c) 1 and 3        

(d) All

Passage: The despotism of custom is everywhere the standing hindrance to human advancement, being in unceasing antagonism to that disposition to aim at something better than customary, which is called the spirit of liberty. The spirit of improvement is not always a spirit of liberty, for it may aim at forcing improvements on unwilling people and the spirit of liberty, in so far as it resists such attempts, may ally itself locally and temporarily with the opponents of improvement; but the only permanent source of improvement is liberty. We have a warning example in China – a nation of much talent and in some respects, even wisdom, owing to the rare good fortune of having been provided at an early period with a particularly good set of customs. They are remarkable, too, in the excellence of their apparatus for impressing, as far as possible, the best wisdom they possess upon every mind in the community but they have become stationary – have remained so for thousands of years; and if they are ever to be further improved, it must be by foreigners. They have succeeded beyond all hope in making a people all alike, all governing their thoughts and conduct by the same maxims and rules; and these are the fruits.

27. According to the passage, the paradox of tradition versus progress lies in which of the following statements?

1. The spirit of improvement is not always the spirit of liberty.

2. Custom is antagonistic to change.

3. It is the spirit of liberty that leads to a break from custom.

(a) 1 only    

(b) 2 and 3  

(c) 3 only  

(d) None

28. According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?

1. The East has not progressed because custom is deeply entrenched there.

2. European culture with its noble antecedents can never become stagnant.

3. The East must have been original at one time.

4. The west considers itself morally superior to the East.

(a) 1 only 

(b) 2 only 

(c) 3 and 4  

(d) None

Passage: Professor Amartya Sen in his book ‘Development to Freedom’ identifies five interrelated ‘instrumental freedoms’, providing persons with types of rights and opportunities to improve their lives and shape their future. These freedoms are viewed as the principal means of development. The author’s argument attests to the multidimensional characteristic of social exclusion. The rationale is that, access to one facilitates access to others whereas denial to one category impedes one’s ability to reach others. The freedoms mentioned by the author are Political freedom, Economic freedom, Social opportunities, Transparency guarantees and Protective security.

29. The author’s viewpoint can be best summed up in which of the following statements?

(a) Interrelated instrumental freedoms in a democracy initiate the process of development.

(b) In a democratic setup, rights and opportunities to the poorer communities are necessary to improve their lives and future.

(c) In India, the poor are still not provided with opportunities and freedom that will empower them to achieve economic security and social inclusion.

(d) All freedom mentioned here are interrelated and access or denial of one will lead to accessibility to other or impede one’s ability to reach others.

30. A train of length 150m, moving at a speed of 90km/h cross a bridge of 200 m, in

(a) 14 seconds

(b) 8 seconds

(c) 6 seconds

(d) 15 seconds

31. A two digit number is such that the product of the digit is 8. When 18 is added to the number, then the digits are reversed. The number is

(a) 18 

(b) 24

(c) 42 

(d) 81

32. What should be the values of a and b such that 1a 8b is divisible by 2,3,4,6,7 and 8?

(a) a=3, b=5   

(b) a=6, b=0  

(c) a=4, b=2 

(d) None

33. When in each box 5 or 6 dozen of apples were packed, three dozen were left. Therefore, bigger boxes were taken to pack 8 or 9 dozen of apples. However still three dozen of apples remained. What was the least number of dozens of apples to be packed?

(a) 363   

(b) 315   


(d) 335

Directions: A,B,C,D,E and F are six students in a class.

1. B and C are shorter than F but heavier than A.

2. D is heavier than B and taller than C

3. E is shorter than D but taller than F

4. F is heavier than D

5. A is shorter than E but taller than F

34. Who among them is the lightest?

(a) C  

(b) B  

(c) B or C  

(d) Cannot be determined

35. Which of the following statements is true for F as regards height and weight?

(a) F is lighter than E and taller than E

(b) F is heavier than B and taller than E

(c) F is heavier than B but shorter than D

(d) F is lighter than E and also shorter than E

36. Examine the following statements


Some benches are walls

All walls are houses

Some houses are jungles

All jungles are roads


1. Some roads are benches

2. Some jungles are walls

3. Some houses are benches

4. Some roads are houses

Which of the conclusions follow the above statements?

(a)1 and 2        

(b) 1 and 3

(c) 3 and 4       

(d) 2,3 and 4

37. In a queue, Mr. X is fourteenth from the front and Mr. Y is seventeenth from the end, while Mr. Z is exactly in between Mr. X and Mr. Y. If Mr. X is ahead of Mr. Y and there are 48 persons in the queue, how many persons are there between Mr X and Mr Z?

(a) 6                  

(b) 7                 

(c) 8                

(d) 9

38. A man read 3/8 of a book on the first day and 4/5 of the remainder on the second day. If the number of pages still unread are 40, then how many pages did the book contain?

(a) 300          

(b) 500           

(c) 320           

(d) 350

39. Angry arjun carried some arrows for fighting with Bheeshm. With half the arrows, he cut down the arrows thrown by Bheeshm on him and with six other arrows he killed the rath driver of Bheeshm. With one arrow each he knocked down respectively the rath, flag and the bow of Bheeshm. Finally, with one more than four times the square root of arrows, he laid Bheeshm unconscious on an arrow bed. What is the total number of arrows Arjun had?

(a) 90                 

(b) 101            



Passage: The subject of democracy has become severely muddled because of the way the rhetoric surrounding it has been used in recent years. There is, increasingly, an oddly confused dichotomy between those who want to ‘impose’ democracy on countries in the non-western world (in these countries’ ‘own interests’, of course) and those, who are opposed to such ‘imposition’ (because of the respect for the countries’ ‘own ways’). But the entire language of ‘imposition’, used by both sides, is extraordinarily inappropriate, since it makes the implicit assumption that democracy belongs exclusively to the west, taking it to be a quintessentially ‘Western’ idea which has originated and flourished only in the west.

But the thesis and the pessimism it generates about the possibility of democratic practice in the world would be extremely hard to justify. There were several experiments in local democracy in ancient India. Indeed, in understanding the roots of democracy in the world, we have to look beyond thinking of democracy only in terms of European and American evolution. We would fail to understand the pervasive demands for participatory living, on which Aristotle spoke with far-reaching insight, if we take democracy to be a kind of a specialized cultural product of the west.

It cannot, of course, be doubted that the institutional structure of the contemporary practice of democracy is largely the product of European and American experience over the last few centuries. This is extremely important to recognize since these developments in institutional formats were immensely innovative and ultimately effective. There can be little doubt that there is a major ‘Western’ achievement here.

40. Which of the following is closest to the view of democracy as mentioned in the above passage?

(a) The subject of democracy is a muddle due to a desire to portray it as a western concept, ‘alien’ to non-western countries.

(b) The language or imposition of democracy is inappropriate. There is, however, a need to consider this concept in the backdrop of culture of ‘own ways’ of non-western society.

(c) while democracy is not an essentially a western idea belonging exclusively to the west, the institutional structure of current democratic practices has been their contribution.

(d) None

41. With reference to the passage, consider the following assumptions that have been made

1. Many of the non-western countries are unable to have democracy because they take democracy to be a specialized cultural product of the west.

2. Western countries are always trying to impose democracy on non-western countries.

Which of the above is/are valid assumption(s)?

(a) 1 only  

(b) 2 only   

(c) both 

(d) None

Passage: Nationalism, of course, is a curious phenomenon which at a certain stage in a country’s history gives life, growth, strength and unity but at the same time, it has tendency, to limit one because one thinks of one’s own country as something different from the rest of the world. The perspective changes and one is continuously thinking of one’s own struggles and virtues and failings to the exclusion of other thoughts. The result is that the same nationalism, which is the symbol of growth of people, becomes a symbol of the cessation of that growth in the mind. Nationalism, when it becomes successful sometimes goes on spreading in an aggressive way and becomes a danger internationally. Whatever line of thought you follow, you arrive at the conclusion that some kind of balance must be found. Otherwise something that was good can turn into evil. Culture, which is essentially good, becomes not only static, but aggressive and something that breeds conflict and hatred when looked at from a wrong point of view. How you are to find a balance? I do not know. Apart from political and economic problems of the age, perhaps that is the greatest problem today because behind it there is a tremendous conflict in the spirit of man and a tremendous search for something it cannot find. It is folly to talk of culture or even of God when human being starve and die. Before one can talk about anything else one must provide the normal essentials of life to human beings.

42. Which of the following statements is/are supported by the above passage?

1. Nationalism is at the root of all nation building efforts in a country.

2. There is an apparent dichotomy of ends that nationalism can achieve.

3.There is a need to strike a reasonable balance with regards to nationalism.

(a) 1 and 2  

(b) 1 and 3  

(c) 2 and 3  

(d) All

43. As per the author, the greatest problem mentioned in the middle of the passage refers to the question

(a) how to mitigate hardship to human beings

(b) how to contain the dangers of aggressive nationalism

(c) how to share the economic burden and equality

(d) how to curb international hatred feeling

Passage: It is often forgotten that globalization is not only about politics on international economic relationships and transactions, but has equally to do with domestic policies of a nation. Policy changes necessitated by meeting the internationally set conditions (by WTO etc.), of free trade and investment flows obviously affect domestic producers and investors. But the basic philosophy underlying globalization emphasizes absolute freedom to markets to determine prices and production and distribution patterns, and view government interventions as processes that create distortions and bring in inefficiency.

Thus, public enterprises have to be privatized through disinvestments and sales; sectors and activities hitherto reserved for the public sector have to be opened to the private sector. This logic extends to the social services like education and health. Any restrictions on the adjustments in workforce by way of retrenchment of workers should also be removed and exit should be made easier by removing any restrictions on closures.

Employment and wages should be governed by free play of market forces, as any measure to regulate them can discourage investment and also create inefficiency in production. Above all, in line with the overall philosophy of reduction in the role of the state, fiscal reforms should be undertaken to have generally low levels of taxation and government expenditure should be kept to the minimum to abide by the principle of fiscal prudence. All these are policy actions on the domestic front and are not directly related to the core items of the globalization agenda, namely free international flow of goods and finance.

44. According to the passage, the basic philosophy of globalization is to

(a) Give absolute freedom to producers to determine prices and production.

(b) Give freedom to producers to evolve distribution patterns

(c) Give absolute freedom to markets to determine prices, production and employment

(d) Give freedom to producers to import and export

45. According to the passage, which of the following is/are necessary for ensuring globalization?

1. Privatisation of public enterprises.

2. Expansionary policy of public expenditure.

3. Free play of market forces to determine wages and employment.

4. Privatisation of social services like education and health.

(a) 1 only 

(b) 2 and 3   

(c) 1,3 and 4  

(d) 2,3 and 4

Passage: Financial markets in India have acquired greater depth and liquidity over the years. Steady reforms since 1991 have led to growing linkages and integration of the Indian economy and its financial system with the global economy. Weak global economic prospects and continuing uncertainties in the international financial markets therefore, have had their impact on the emerging market economies. Sovereign risk concerns, particularly in the Euro area, affected financial markets for the greater part of the year, with the contagion of Greece’s sovereign debt problem spreading to India and other economies by way of higher-than-normal levels of volatility.

The funding constraints in international financial markets could impact both the availability and cost of foreign funding for banks and corporates. Since the Indian financial system is bank dominated, bank’s ability to withstand stress is critical to overall financial stability. Indian banks, however, remain robust, notwithstanding a decline in capital to risk-weighted assets ratio and a rise in non-performing asset levels in the recent past. Capital adequacy levels remain above the regulatory requirements. The financial market infrastructure continues to function without any major disruption. With further globalization, consolidation, deregulation and diversification of the financial system, the banking business may become more complex and riskier. Issues like risk and liquidity management and enhancing skill, therefore assume greater significance.

46. According to the passage, the financial markets in the emerging market economies including India had the adverse impact in recent years due to

1. Weak global economic prospects.

2. Uncertainties in the international financial markets.

3. Sovereign risk concerns in the Euro area.

4. Bad monsoons and the resultant crop loss.

(a) 1 and 2  

(b) 1,2 and 3 

(c) 2 and 3 

(d) 2, 3 and 4

47. Risk and liquidity management assumes more importance in the Indian banking system in future due to

1. Further globalization

2. More consolidation and deregulation of the financial system.

3. Further diversification of the financial system.

4. More financial inclusion in the economy.

(a) 1,2 and 3 

(b) 2,3 and 4  

(c) 1 and 2  

(d) 3 and 4

48. In the year 2011, Shantanu gets a total of Rs.3832.5 as his pocket allowance. Find his pocket allowance per day.

(a) Rs.9.5  




49. In a village, 5/8th of the population are adults, half of the adults are male,, 4/5th of adult females are illiterate. If 400 females are illiterate, then the population of the village is

(a) 2000              

(b) 1500           



Direction: There is family of six members A,B,C,D,E and F. They are lawyer, doctor, teacher, salesman, engineer and accountant not necessarily in that order. There are two married couples in the family. D the salesman, is married to the lady teacher. The doctor is married to the lawyer. F, the accountant, is the son of B and brother of E. C, the lawyer, is the daughter-in-law of A. E is the unmarried engineer. A is the grandmother of F.

50. How is E related to F?




(d)Cannot be determined

51l. What is the profession of B?

(a) Teacher   

(b) Doctor  

(c) Lawyer 

(d)Cannot be determined

52. Ramesh and Ganesh had some oranges initially. If Ramesh gave 5 oranges to Ganesh, then Ganesh will have thrice as many oranges as Ramesh. Instead of that, if Ganesh was to give 5 oranges to Ramesh, then they both will have the same number of oranges. Find the ratio of oranges that were distributed between Ramesh and Ganesh.

(a) 3:5                

(b) 1:3               



53. If a sum of money is lent at simple interest, then the

1.Money gets doubled in 5 years, if the rate of interest is 16.67%.

2. Money gets doubled in 5 year, if the rate of interest is 20%.

3. Money becomes four times in 10 year, if it gets doubled in 5 year

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 and 3     

(b) 2 only  

(c) 3 only  

(d) 2 and 3

Direction: In a survey regarding a proposed measure to be introduced, 2878 persons took part of which 1652 were males, 1226 persons voted against the proposal of which 796 were males. 1425 persons voted for the proposal. 196 females were undecided.

54. How many females voted for the proposal?





55. How many males were undecided?



(c) 426  


56. How many females were not in favour of the proposal?

(a) 430 

(b) 496  



57. One morning after sunrise Nivedita and Niharika were talking to each other face-to-face at Dalphin crossing. If Niharika’s shadow was exactly to the right of Nivedita, which direction Niharika was facing?

(a) North  

(b) South  

(c) East  

(d) Data inadequate

58. Mohan is the son of Arun’s father’s sister. Prakash is the son Reva who is the mother of Vikas and grandmother of Arun. Pranab is the father of Neela and the grandfather of Mohan. Reva is the wife of Pranab. How is the wife of Vikas related to Neela?

(a) Sister 

(b) Sister-in-law  

(c) Niece  


59. A cuboid has six sides of different colours. The red side is opposite to black. The blue side is adjacent to white. The brown side is adjacent to blue. The red side is at the bottom. Which one of the following would be opposite to brown?

(a) Red          

(b) Black            

(c) White          

(d) Blue

60.The average salary of 100 employees in an office is Rs.16000 per month. The management decided to raise salary of every employee by 5% but stopped a transport allowance of Rs.800 per month which was paid earlier to every employee. What will be the average monthly salary?




(d) Data insufficient

61. At a certain conference of 100 people, there are 29 Indian women and 23 Indian men. Of these Indian people, 4 are doctors and 24 are either men or doctors. There are no foreign doctor. How many foreigners and women doctors are attending the conference?

(a) 48 and 1 

(b) 34 and 3 

(c) 46 and 4 

(d) 42 and 2

62. Ashu and Mohan are working on an assignment. Ashu takes 7 hours to type 4 pages on a computer, while Mohan takes 4 hours to type 40 pages. Working together on two different computers, how much time (in hours) will they take to type an assignment of 240 pages?

(a) 15 

(b) 27  



63. Half of the villagers of a certain village have their own houses. One-fifth of the villagers cultivate paddy. One-third of the villagers are literate. Four-fifth of the villagers are below twenty five. Then, which one of the following is certainly true?

(a) All the villagers who have their own houses, are literate

(b) A quarter of the villagers who have their own houses, cultivate paddy

(c) Some villagers under twenty five are literate

(d) Half of the villagers who cultivate paddy, are literate.

Passage: Despite these economic advances, issues such as poverty and poor health still plague the country. Here, growth and increase in income have not automatically translated to a higher standard of living for a majority of the Indian population. While there have been positive trends in healthcare such as the eradication of the new wild type polio infections, the provision of quality healthcare services is insufficient at best. India spends about 4% of its GDP on health (the government currently spends 1.4% on health). The government aims to increase its investment in healthcare to 2.5% by the end of 12th Five Year Plan.

64. Which is the critical inference that can be made from the above passage?

(a) Despite India showing economic development poverty and poor health of masses still trouble the country.

(b) The provision of healthcare services for 80% of its population is still insufficient resulting in malnutrition and child deaths.

(c) There is urgent need for the Indian Government to spend more on healthcare services. For the poor whose hygiene habits and standard of living are responsible for malnutrition and ill health of people

(d) The government spending on India’s health care system needs to be increased to meet the ever increasing demand of the health of its people.

Passage: Land acquisition is a prerequisite to economic development and it appears logical that government needs to acquire more land always to support an adaptive urban development processes such as housing, public transportation systems, green spaces and energy plants. Unfortunately, it can be very challenging to try and determine how much land is acquired by public authorities. However, land acquisition presents significant negative aspects and can have significant impacts on people’s life. System has to be devised where government may minimize the abuse of discretionary power. Moreover, government work must be conducted within a framework of recognized rules and principles.

65. Which among the following is the most logical assumption that can be made from the above passage?

(a) Development can be made if government has wider discretionary powers.

(b) Government should use its discretionary powers, keeping in mind the welfare of the people.

(c) The supremacy of rules and principles should prevail as opposed to the influence of absolute discretionary power.

(d) Negative and Positive aspects of any decision on people’s life should be taken into account before using discretionary powers.

Passage: The Himalayan ecosystem is highly vulnerable to damage, both due to geological reasons and on account of the stress caused by increased pressure of population, exploitation of natural resources and other related challenges. These aspects may be exacerbated due to the impact of climate change. It is possible that climate change may adversely impact the Himalayan ecosystem through increased temperature, altered precipitation patterns, episodes of drought and biotic influences. This would not only impact the very sustenance of the indigenous communities in uplands, but also the life of downstream dwellers across the country and beyond. Therefore, there is an urgent need for giving special attention to sustain the Himalayan ecosystem. This would require conscious efforts for conserving all the representative systems.

Further, it needs to be emphasized that the endemics with restricted distribution and most often with specialized habitat requirements, are among the most vulnerable elements. In this respect, the Himalayan biodiversity hotspot, with rich endemic diversity, is vulnerable to climate change.

The threats include possible loss of genetic resources and species, habitats and concomitantly a decrease in ecosystem services. Therefore, conservation of endemic elements in representative ecosystems/habitats assume a great significance while drawing conservation plans for the region.

Towards achieving the above, we will have to shift towards contemporary conservation approaches, while include a paradigm of landscape level interconnectivity between protected area systems. The concept advocates a shift from the species-habitat focus to an inclusive focus on expanding the biogeographic range, so that natural adjustments to climate change can proceed without being restrictive.

66. According to the passage, the adverse impact of climate change on an ecosystem can be a

1. Permanent disappearance of some of its flora and fauna

2. Permanent disappearance of ecosystem itself.

(a) 1 only 

(b) 2 only  

(c) Both 

(d) None

67. What is the most important message conveyed by the passage?

(a) Endemism is a characteristic feature of Himalayan region.

(b) Conservation efforts should emphasise on biogeographic ranges rather than on some species or habitats

(c) Climate change has adverse impact on the Himalayan ecosystem

(d) Without Himalayan ecosystem, the life of the communities of uplands and downstreams will have no sustenance.

68. Each boy contributed rupees equal to the number of girls and each girl contributed rupees equal to the number of boys in a class of 60 students. If the total contribution thus collected is Rs.1600, then how many boys are there in the class?

(a) 25  


(c) 50   

(d) None

69. A shopkeeper sold goods for Rs.2400 and made a profit of 20% in the process. Find his profit percent, if he had sold his goods for Rs.2700.

(a) 35%   

(b) 30%   



70. The speed of the train in going from Nagpur to Allahabad is 100 km/hr while when coming back from Allahabad to Nagpur, its speed is 150 km/hr. Find the average speed during the whole journey.

(a)125 km/hr   

(b)75 km/hr  

(c)13 km/hr     

(d)120 km/hr

71. After distributing the sweets equally among 25 children, 8 sweets remain. Had the number of children been 28, 22 sweets would have been left after equally distributing. What was the total number of sweets?

(a) 328  

(b) 348   


(d) Data inadequate

72. On selling 144 bicycles, John lost the selling price of 6 bicycles. His percentage loss is

(a) 4%  

(b)6 % 

(c) 8%  

(d) 10%

73. In 1930, a person’s age was 8 times that of his son. In 1938, the father’s age become ten times that of his son’s age in 1930. The ages of the son and father in 1940 were, respectively

(a) 16yr, 58 yr              

(b) 15 yr, 50yr

(c) 14 yr, 42 yr 

(d) 13 yr, 34 yr

74. Each person’s performance compared with all other persons is to be done to rank them subjectively. How many comparisons are needed in total, if there are 11 persons?

(a)  66  



(d) 45

75. A contract on construction job specifies a penalty for delay in completion of the work beyond a certain date is as follows: Rs.200 for the first day, Rs.250 for the second day, Rs.300 for the third day etc., the penalty for each succeeding day being Rs.50 more than that of the preceding day. How much penalty should the contractor pay if he delays the work by 10 days?

(a) Rs.4950       

(b) Rs.4250      



76. A sum of Rs. 700 has to be used to give seven cash prizes to the students of a school for their overall academic performance. If each prize is Rs.20 less than its preceding prize, what is the least value of the prize?





77. Five birds, crow, pigeon, little pigeon, big crow and eagle, fly one after other from a tree branch. Big crow flew after crow but is ahead of eagle. Pigeon is between crow and big crow. Little pigeon is before crow. Which bird is in the last?

(a) Pigeon        

(b)Big crow     

(c) Eagle        


78. 5 students P, Q, R, S and T play different games. P and Q are good in hockey and tennis. S and P are good in hockey and rugby. R and Q are good in cricket and tennis. R, T and S are good in squash and rugby. Which student is good in rugby, cricket, tennis and squash?

(a) P                

(b) Q               

(c) R                

(d) S

79. A boat’s speed in still water is 5 km/hr. While river is flowing with a speed of 2km/hr and time taken to cover a certain distance upstream is 2 hours more than time taken to cover the same distance downstream. Find the distance.

(a) 10.5km      

(b) 11km        

(c) 10.9km        


80. A person has a chemical of Rs.25 per litre. In what ratio should water be mixed in that chemical, so that after selling the mixture at Rs.20 per litre, he may get a profit of 25%?


(b) 12:15          

