There are certain reforms that India can learn from Israel, these are

Drip Irrigation:

India has been focusing on ‘Har Khet to Paani’, ‘more crop per drop’, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojna. India has about nine million hectares under micro-irrigation. However it is small compared to the overall need of micro-irrigation. India can scale this up several times. Israel can offer lessons to India in this respect.


Waste Water recycling and cleaning of polluted water:

Maximum of water in Israel comes from recycled and brackish water, thus saving potable water for domestic use. India hence can learn from Israel.



Jamnagar Salination Plant, Gujarat and Nemmali Salination Plant, Chennai have adopted desalination techniques from Israel. These are joint Indo-Israeli initiatives in desalinating sea waters. Desalination techniques however involve huge capital cost and require resources for this. Desalination is in nascent stage in India and a public policy issue.


Water price reforms:

As per Israel’s water law, all water in the country is common property resource. The government does accounting for every drop of water, ensuring good water governance.